

German translation of English applications (Online)

Looking for a job in Germany? A well-written application in German will help you to get the position you want.

Zwei Frauen sitzen sich in einem Büro gegenüber, eine liest eine Bewerbungsmappe
© Adam Gregor,

This service will help you if you have to hand in a German cover letter and CV, but your language skills are not yet up to the task.

Our adviser Anja Rinkel is a certified translator who

  • helps you  to improve an application you have already (partly) translated into German
  • translates your English CV and cover letter into German

How to use this service:

  1. Send your CV and cover letter (Word file) to 
  2. Pay fee (15 €) using your Oskar card: Campus Offenburg, room A 106 // Or using the possibility of online-transfer (please contact us for more information)
  3. Send your receipt to (only if you have paid with your Oskar-Card)
  4. You will receive your translated job application usually within one week

Appointment: by arrangement


Adviser: Anja Rinkel, accredited translator of English, lecturer

No Registration

Fee: 15 euro

In cooperation with the Graduate School